Every now and then, there comes along an organization that echoes the heart of The Cajun Navy. The First Responders Children’s Foundation is one of them.
Although it would be impossible to list all the good deeds that they have done in their nearly 20 years of existence, I will try to the best I can later in this post.
What is the First Responders Children’s Foundation?

The First Responders Children’s Foundation was founded in 2002 by Alfred R. Khan and was named the “National Law Enforcement & Firefighter Children’s Foundation.”
In November 2001, just eleven weeks after the tragedy of 9/11, they hosted the first annual Thanksgiving Day Parade Breakfast.
They intended to provide families of those New York City first responders who lost their lives in the line of duty relief from the upcoming holiday season’s pain and heartbreak.
What does the First Responders Children’s Foundation Do?
Here we are almost two decades later, and although the name may have changed, their mission hasn’t.
Simply put, the foundation supports families and children of first responders across the United States and provides critical assistance when disaster strikes.
Some of the things that the foundation provides to children and families of first responders on the front lines are:
- college scholarships to children of first responders
- financial support to both children who have lost a parent in the line of duty
- financial support to first responder families enduring significant financial hardships due to tragic circumstances.
- educational activities and programs created and operated by police officers and fire department organizations whose purpose is to benefit community children.
How can you help the First Responders Children’s Foundation?
The association offers several different ways that you can support their mission to benefit children and first responder parents.
Of course, you can give by way of a financial donation on their website or, if you don’t have the means to help financially, they offer several other methods ranging from hosting your own fundraiser to hosting a 9/11 firefighters commemorative walk.
Visit their website to see all of the ways that you can help the foundation.
Please consider helping The First Responders Children’s Foundation.
I’d be remiss if I didn’t talk about Pinnacle Search and Rescue (Cajun Navy 2016) for a bit.
About Pinnacle Search and Rescue (Cajun Navy 2016)
Much like the First Responders Children’s Foundation, we too focused on the first responder community.
We’re them.
Just in case you haven’t heard about the Cajun Navy or are unsure about what we do, you can visit our about page to learn more about us and why we do what we do.
Cajun Navy 2016 have teams in Lee County now and more on the way with equipment, supplies, and a much need K-9 unit. Please continue to pray it is a very difficult situation for all involved. #leecounty pic.twitter.com/lPhw7N7CEs
— Rodney Dalton (@Rodbod52) March 4, 2019
Of course, you can visit our donate page or our online store to help us to provide the life-saving services that we do in the event of disasters.
If your organization or company wants to partner with The Cajun Navy, please contact us.
If you’re interested in joining the Cajun Navy, visit our volunteer page to learn how you can jump in and get your hands dirty.
In closing, I thank every Cajun Navy supporter from the bottom of my heart. It is through the passion of our volunteers and the generosity of our supporters that we are able to be one of the most-effective and efficient volunteer responder agencies in the United States.
God Bless,

Jon Bridgers
About Cajun Navy 2016
Learn more about Cajun Navy 2016 and how you can help, or read our related articles below.
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